Mary Harmening
2 min readJan 22, 2022


He Gives me Strength!

Life. It’s full of twists and turns. We never know what tomorrow brings. There is a scripture that I love that reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. There have been so many days, especially recently, that I don’t know where I would be without Christ. I would have no hope, and nothing to cling to to get through some of the hardest days here on earth. When life piles on so much pain and grief that we feel like we can’t take one more thing, He carries us through. He is with us in every season. Both hard and great seasons alike. He’s always there, through it all. He knows firsthand all that we feel. He knows our needs. I can rest assured knowing that I can wake up every day feeling confident that He will make today possible no matter what comes my way. As I rely on His strength, I can keep trusting that He will lead me and give me what it takes to persevere.

In Nehemiah, we learn the joy of the Lord is my strength. “Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” (Neh 8:10.) As life piles up, I can rest in Him choosing to press into joy, fully knowing that He will work all things out for good. His joy will give me the strength for each day. I can choose gratitude for the goodness of God, and choose to find the good in life today. I can choose to rely on His strength, found through the joy I find in Christ.

Father, thank you that you are with us in life and in death. You know the beginning and the end and all that happens in between over the course of our lives. Thank you for giving us strength to get through each day with hope. Thank you for your joy, for it gives us strength! No matter what! Amen.

Illustrations by Haley Punjak

Edited by Rachel Harmening

