Mary Harmening
3 min readFeb 13, 2022

No Matter What - Sing!

“I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:1‬ ‭NLT

I can remember some really difficult seasons over the course of my life, including the one we have been in for the past 2 years. Like most everyone, it’s been rough for one reason or another. When I look back on those seasons, what I remember and know to this day, being in His presence through music is what kept me going. Even when everything was falling apart around me, I could let the resonation of music I was listening to and singing to God refresh my soul. As a young girl, some of the fondest memories I have were being in the church choir, playing the flute in church and in the band at school. Music has always been a part of my life; there’s just something about it. As an adult, being a part of a worship team has been the constant that keeps me in a place of surrender and remembrance of all He has done for us. There’s no arguing that music soothes the soul!

There are lots of great articles out there that talk about how music is used for health and well being and how it reduces stress. I can recall the emotions that music stimulated even in the hardest seasons of my life, and there’s no denying that this scripture is another one of the genius roadmaps in His word for how we are to live. “I will praise Him at all times” When we praise, He is glorified and we feel better. How simple! When we want to sing and praise the least, we need to all the more. Let’s admit…sometimes we just don’t want to sing! But when we do, it truly melts away life’s troubles and relieves the stress of the moment and season.

The second sentence in this scripture says I will constantly speak His praises. We can choose to speak His praises or we can choose to complain and whine and moan about our circumstances. When we speak His praises no matter what, our hearts are postured toward Him and we can leave our troubles and circumstances at the cross….in His hands, knowing that He is good and cares for us no matter what.

Today, even if you don’t feel like it, listen to your favorite worship song and sing! Tell Him how good He is and that no matter what kind of life season you are in, you believe the best is yet to come!

Pray with me

Father you are amazing. Thank you for direction on how to live our lives through your Word. Help me remember that singing your praises will help me to get through the hard days, and settle my soul. I love you. Amen!

Illustrations by Haley Punjak

Edited by Rachel Harmening

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