When It Counts

Mary Harmening
2 min readMay 17, 2022


“…..but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Proverbs 18:24

When we find a true friend, we truly find gold. A friend that sticks with us through all the good, bad, and the ugly — those are the friends that we cherish and hold close to our hearts. This is when it all counts! It’s easy to love the lovable but the unlovable not so much! And we’re all unlovable at times! We need someone in our lives that can be honest with us, and that we trust to hear and listen to them.

God has sent me friends for seasons that I simply could not have gotten through without them. I love how He knows what we need and how He sends us that through His people. Just having someone there that is going or has gone through similar life circumstances brings such comfort and joy and I can’t thank God enough for those people!

I remember a really rough season when we were transitioning to Texas in 2013 that I just was being so horrible. We were on a trip of a lifetime and I was just plain mad that things weren’t working out in our transition and could not snap out of it. And there was my friend — a true gift from God telling me to get over myself in the words exactly how I needed to hear it. Our true and best friends have no trouble telling us when we’re off base!

Over the years God has placed people in our lives that are lifelong friends. There are friends that we can count on to listen and not judge. They are there for us through it all and vice versa! Today, I want to thank God for those people that are true friends that stick closer than a brother through the ups and downs, the good times and the trials of life!

If you have a person in your life that has been a true friend, tell them today! They need to hear it!

Father thank you for true friends. Help me to be a true friend. I want to honor you by honoring my friends. Thank you for the friends you have placed in my life. I see them a true gift from you!


Illustrations by Haley Punjak

Edited by Rachel Harmening



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